
Logo-EUROCALL Conference
Logo-EUROCALL Conference

EUROCALL Conference 2014 in Groningen, The Netherlands

This years EUROCALL Conference took place in Groningen. It was well attended and perfectly organised. Apart from some technical glitches at the first workshop, Virtual World SIG-Machinima Videos for teaching and learning, which took place prior to the official opening it went all really well. I had the oportunity to present the CAMELOT project and demonstrate how machinima can be used in the virtual language classroom.. 

Another highlight was the Euroversity Symposium with Gary Motteram, Ton Koenraad, Judith Molka-Danielsen, Christel Schneider and Hanna Outakoski, who was giving her presentation from Adobe Connect as she could not join in person. Topic of the presentation was 'The Euroversity Good Practice Framework and its application to minority languages and elder learners.
It was interesting to see that there were quite a number of presentations about virtual worlds. The conclusion seems that in spite of highly developed technology many organisations struggle with bandwidth when using computer laps, securtiy issues and voice problems. Especially in school education there seem to be a problems in finding a safe environment where they can build and create things like this is possible in Second Life.  

8th International Conference - Language Teachers' Association of Lithuania

Innovating Language Teaching and Learning in Europe: Diversity, Quality, Mobility, Employability. 9-10 June, 2014, Vilnius, Lithuania

This was a fantastic conference with great presentations. It was a privilege to all attendees to have the first day plenary sessions presented in the Parliament of the Republic of Lithuania. All sessions were streamed on the Lithuanian TV channel. 
The keynotes provided some very interesting and thought provoking aspects of innovative language teaching and learning in Europe. 
Christel Schneider's talk about 'How virtual worlds help people to cope better in real life' triggered special interest. 

The 2nd conference day took place at the Lithuanian University of Educational Sciences. 

It started with four interesting keynotes which were followed by numerous parallel sessions. 
Christel Schneider conducted a workshop on 'Empowering Teachers to Use Video (Machinima) with their Learners' . The workshop will be continued with virtual tours in Second Life and introductions on making machinima. For more information, please contact Christel Schneider

Thanks to the organisers and especially to the President of the Language Teachers' Association in Lithuania, Egle Sleinotiene, for some memorable days in Vilnius. 

Euroversity Conference at the University of Manchester 14th March 2014

Reviewing current and future practice in the use of virtual worlds in Higher Education.

Christel Schneider presented the CAMELOT project on behalf of the University of Central LancashIre by introducing  a machinima about the 'Sculpture Garden' visited during the conference,  The life session with top speakers like Prof. Liz Falconer and Dr Maggi Savin-Baden, Dr Darren Mundy and Dr Luisa Panichi was streamed via Adobe Connect and the in-world session was streamed back into the Conference room in Manchester so that the audience could interact with the avatars in-world and ask questions.

Euroversity Project Partner Meeting in Rome 23-24 January 2014

This was a very intense meeting with great results, giving the Framework final touches and sharing ideas about the future by continuing with a newly established association, based in UK.

For more information follow the news on the Euroversity website


The 19th International Conference on Technology Supported Learning is taking place in Berlin from 4 - 6 December 2013. ONLINE EDUCA BERLIN is the largest global E-learning conference for the Corporate, Education and Public Service Sector.

For more information check the conference website.


1st Forum on International Business Communication,

December 4, 2013

Hotel InterContinental, Budapester Str. 2, 10787 Berlin

You will find further information about the conference programme, venue and more on the website.


ICT for Language Learning - International Conference 6th Edition

The conference is taking place in Florence, Italy, 14- 15 November.

The international conference “ICT for Language Learning” aims to promote and share good practice and transnational cooperation in the field of ICT in language learning and training.

More information about the programme and venue can be found on the conference website.

IDRAC 2013 International Disability Rights Affirmation Conference

The third annual International Disability Rights Affirmation Conference will be held Friday September 27th and Saturday September 28th 2013, in Second Life®. The theme of this year’s conference is “Let Me In.”  You will find further information on the Virtual Ability Blog

Christel Schneider will talk on Saturday, 28th September at 10 am PDT  about European Language Portfolios for Specific Purposes.


...and for those who want to join the Conference via live streaming on the web, here we go!

OSCC2013 - OPEN SIMULATOR Conference 2013, 7-8 September 2013

OSCC starts on Sat at 2pm GMT / 7am SLT - twitter #oscc. A conference for all interested in virtual worlds of OpenSim. Christel Schneider and Carol Rainbow will be running a workshop on Sunday 8 September about 'How can machinima be used for language learning?'

Worth attending!

Great start of the Virtual Worlds Best Practices in Education 2013 Conference

The Opening Keynote with Alice Krueger (SL: Gentle Heron) was a fantastic start of the conference. Alice Krueger talked about the the Role of the Educator, Then and Now,  She compared teaching 40 years ago and teaching today and states "  Were I teaching today, I would include in the curriculum experiences in virtual worlds as well as in our classroom and outdoors. The venue for science education has expanded and the tools students use have become more varied". Alice Krueger gave room for a lively discussion answering all the questions that had come up.



The Vowels of Machinima Production

Barbara McQueen and Jens Kaer Olsen gave an informative overview of what to consider when making machinima. They provided a variety of tools and settings for making machinima and took the audienced to the set up of Alice in Wonderland.they had used for making a machinima with.
The workshop participants were given a present in form of a toolbox to experiment with when making machinima. .

Upcoming Conference - Virtual Worlds Best Practices in Education 2013: Beyond the Stage - July 24th to 27th

Virtual Worlds Best Practices in Education is a global grass-roots community event which focuses on education in immersive virtual environments. This open conference is organized by educators, for educators, to provide an opportunity to showcase the learning that takes place in this community of practice.

 Innovative educators will be sharing their achievements and challenges that they face in enhanced learning technology as well as their vision of future collaborative learning in virtual worlds and games.

 The conference will be covered across virtual worlds and will host presentations in Second Life, OpenSim/Jokadia, Unity/Jibe, and Cloud Party.


Christel Schneider will be t will be holding a 110 minutes workshop entitled 'Creating Machinima for language learning'  on Friday, July 26,  9:55- 11:45 a.m. (SLT/PST)   18:45 -20:45 (CEST)


Extended deadline for paper submissions for the International Conference ICT for Language Learning in Florence, Italy 14 - 15 November 2013

The 6th edition of the international conference “ICT for Language Learning” aims to promote and share good practice and transnational cooperation in the field of the application of ICT to language learning and training. The conference is also an excellent opportunity for the presentation of previous and current language learning projects funded by the European Commission and by other sources. Due to the high interest in the conference the deadline for submitting abstracts has been extended  to 18 July 2013! 

The Call for Papers is addressed to teachers and experts as well as to coordinators of educational projects and initiatives.


The abstract to be handed in should be written in English (250 - 500 words) and sent via e-mail to no later than 18 July 2013.

EDUMACHINEVA FEST - ISTE SIGVE 2013 And the winners for 2013 are....

Great News from ISTE SIGVE the Special Interest Group for Virtual Environments in education.
Christel Schneider was the happy winner of 5 Awards for her machinima- in the categories 'Best Editing', 'Best Machinmatography', 'Best Media' & 'Language Learning' at the EDUMACHINIMA FEST 2013, which is "following in the tradition of Sundance and Cannes, featuring examples of the best Machinima in the educational realm." >  


7th International Conference Languages in Multilingual And Multicultural Europe: Quo Vadis? in Klaipéda, Lithuania 7- 8 June 2013

Back from a very inspring conference - the 7th International Conference of the Lithuanian Association of Language Teachers, organised and held at Klaipéda University - where I was invited as keynote speaker and moderator and also took part in the panel discussions.


The theme was 'Languages in Multilingual and Multicultural Europe: Quo Vadis'. The conference covered a great variety of interesting themes from different areas, ranging from language policy, multilingualism and employability, ICT & Language learning, learning languages in Europe and discourse and narratives: disciplinary approach to languages and culture and also demonstrated a multilingual approach by providing its presentations in French, English, German and Lithuanian!


The summaries at the end of the conference provided all attendees with the sessions' highlights and left the audience with lots of inspiration and food for thought. My very personal highlight was Liz Walter’s presentation on 'the English Profile‘, a tool provided by Cambridge University Press to access data information on CEF levels.
For conference impressions check Gallery.

In service training courses on European Project Planning and Management. New editions in 2013

It is now possible to enroll in the 2013 editions of the A) European Project Planning and B) European Project Management in-service training courses. The courses are held in English at Pixel site, in Florence (Italy). For further information on the European Project Planning and European Project Management courses, please contact the Training Course Secretariat @Pixel

International Conference New Pespectives in Science Education in Florence, Italy 20 - 21 March 2014

The third edition of the international conference “New Perspective in Science Education” has the aim to promote transnational cooperation and share good practice in the field of innovation for Science Education. The conference is also an excellent opportunity for the presentation of previous and current projects in the science field.

International conference The Future of Education in Florence, Italy 13 - 14 June 2013

The third edition of The Future of Education aims to promote transnational cooperation and share good practice in the field of innovation for Education. The conference is an excellent opportunity for the presentation of previous and current educational projects.

International Master in European Project Planning and Management

Methods and Techniques for Planning and Managing Projects Funded by the European Commission The objective of the Master is to provide participants with the skills to successfully work in the field of European cooperation, through the use of funding in education, training, culture, research, development and external cooperation made available by the European Comission. You can find further information and contact details on the EuroPlan website.

28 May 2013 - A Celebration of Community Storytelling. TechSoup's 2013 Digital Storytelling Awards Gala

The event also featured a screening of top story submissions with an awards ceremony for the winners. Digital Storytelling videos came in from all around the world and even some from NPC community members. The ceremony was streamed live from San Francisco with the virtual event and avatars up on the screen at the real red carpet event. 


Christel Schneider received a special award for 'Best Virtual World Story' with her submission from CSiTrain  'It is never too late to learn something new'.






Christel Schneider

international Training

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